Let's help keep each other motivated to work on our word this year. Here are 4 simple tips to help along the way.
Befriend motivation
Write your word down on something that you see frequently every day - bathroom mirror, fridge, the office, car dashboard, etc.. Record your word into your phone and play it back. Have your Echo or Alexa remind you of your word throughout the day.
Ignore those negative thoughts
Your thoughts matter, as thoughts influence your emotions, attitude, and behavior. You can train your brain to become more positive and positive affirmations about your word are a great place to start.
Nothing changes if nothing changes
If you want 2023 to be different and focus on your word - you need to be different. You have to make the effort to make some changes in order to accomplish your goals and make strides with your word.
Be realistic
Be realistic about what you can accomplish in reference to your word this year taking into account your personal and work obligations. Set milestones and celebrate progress along the way during the year.
This blog post can help!